Professor Dr. Farrukh Chishtie is an atmospheric and earth observation scientist with extensive experience in various experimental and modelling disciplines. He has more than fifteen years of research experience, which includes work with the Cloud Physics and Severe Weather Research Section, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). In particular, he was part of the Canadian CloudSat CALIPSO Validation (C3VP) project and is a member in the ongoing Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) validation project by ECCC in collaboration with NASA. His modelling and physics based research ranges from work in quantum systems to hydrological, weather, climate, space and astrophysical models. He has published in high ranking journals in both experimental and modeling domains. Presently, he is also serves as a reviewer in various peer-reviewed journals. He has established undergraduate and graduate programs in Space Science, Atmospheric Science and Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science (GISc) in various educational institutions in Pakistan. Further, he developed international and national collaborations and partnerships with various organizations, such as the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), ECCC and Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). Besides academic work, he has been actively involved in field-related disaster relief and rehabilitation efforts in various major earthquake and flood events in Pakistan. Dr. Farrukh holds a doctoral degree in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics from the University of Western Ontario, Canada with undergraduate and graduate degrees in engineering. After being awarded the prestigious NSERC postdoctoral fellowship, he obtained postdoctoral experience from the Department of Physics at Cornell University, USA. Presently, he holds visiting scientist and faculty positions at ECCC, CERN Theory Group, University of Toronto and University of Western Ontario.